Original Music – The Drunken Drive Remixes

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PART I – Good Times

Music has always been a passion for me, but for most of my life I didn’t feel it met the grandness of purpose I foresaw for myself, so I let it slip to the back burner. Now, however, on the cusp of 40, I’m increasingly aware that putting off the things you care about is a losing strategy.

My first project was to obtain a professional quality recording of some of my original alt-classical music. After my original plan to obtain a grant fell through, my friend, the extraordinarily talented jazz violinist Christian Howes, stepped in and recorded two of my top songs (see the links below) for me –basically as a favor from one old friend to another.

Now that I had recordings in hand, my imagination began to run wild. Although the pieces were classical instrumentals, I wanted to hear them remixed. A little research on the internet brought me to a site called fiverr, where a random assortment of artists and entrepreneurs ply their trades at a low price-point –the “Uber” of services. With help from fiverr, I obtained remixes of my song “Drunken Drive” in deep house, EDM and dubstep styles. I was even able to find other artists who were able to create videos to match the music.

As it turns out, however, I was only just getting started!

Next week, Part II – Birth of a Protest Song…

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