Reconstructivist Art: Unstill Lives

The works of contemporary artist Jason Godeke as an example of Reconstructivist Art. Originally posted September 2007.

Artist Jason Godeke has a distinctive and recognizable oeuvre centered around paintings of toys and figurines, posed in surreal and often vaguely sinister still life tableaux.

Reconstructivist Elements:

Nod to Artifice: Godeke’s paintings focus on toy figurines, which are clearly artificial objects.

Classic Structure: The paintings generally focus on classical themes or images, such as the Garden of Eden, and are often painted in a mock-classical style.

Transcontextual and Iconic Elements: The paintings include three distinct sets of iconic images:  Standard still life subjects, such as vases of flowers, contextualize the work in the traditional fine arts tradition, while toy figurines and action figures are the mass-produced commercial playthings of modern childhood.  Finally Greco-Roman busts and figurines conjure up the classical and neo-classical tradition.

Moments of Genuine Emotion or Significance: Despite the artifice of the work, the dreamlike imagery provides a sense of emotional depth.

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Reconstructivist Art: Unstill Lives

Jason Godeke’s “Unstill Lives” as an example of Reconstructivist Art

A series of paintings by Jason Godeke, exhibited variously as “Unstill Lives,” “Construct Realities,” and “Object and Figure.”

Reconstructivist Elements:

  1. Nod to Artifice: The paintings in this series focus on toy figurines, which are clearly artificial objects.
  2. Classic Structure: The paintings generally focus on classical themes or images, such as the Garden of Eden, and are painted in a mock-classic style.
  3. Transcontextual and Iconic Elements: The toy figurines conjure up images of modern childhood and commercial playthings, while other objects within the paintings tend towards more standard subjects of still lifes such as vases of flowers. A third set of icons is drawn from classical art, and includes Greek sculptures and Roman Emperors
  4. Moments of Genuine Emotion or Significance: Despite the artifice of the work, the dreamlike imagery provides a sense of emotional depth.

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