Remembering Carol Herbin

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I recently lost my good friend Carol Herbin to a tragic housefire. After starting as a participant, Carol was a longtime volunteer vocal coach at the Monday Night music program I run at the United Methodist Church For All People. She could sing any song in any style, and make it heartfelt and soulful.

There were some wonderful stories about her in the news when she passed. Here are a few of them.

Herbin, they say, was a rare vocal talent who blossomed after joining the church band and who shared her gift with others who wanted to learn.

– From the Columbus Dispatch

Wooden was brought to tears at the news of Herbin’s death. They were supposed to perform in the praise band Sunday at The Church For All People. Herbin had a voice that also brought people to tears.

“Beautiful, that’s the only way I can say it, beautiful,” Wooden said.

– From 10TV

I’m glad to have been instrumental in helping her share her gifts with a larger audience, notably in the above performance at the 2015 Columbus Invitational Arts Competition. Starting around 5:00 is the song that has been going through my mind since I got the sad news: “Everything Must Change.”

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